Playboy TV’s new travel show, Toyride, follows the adventures of Nikki and Daniel as they traverse the country searching for the newest and most innovative adult toys on the market. Along the way they meet artisans working out of their homes, tour incredible factories and then meet up with a few familiar faces who are more than happy to help them play with their brand new toys.

Image of Nikki & Daniel with Toyride license plate

This is Toyride!

Check with your cable company to subscribe now or go to Playboy.TV to watch episodes after they air.

For a more in-depth look at Toyride’s hosts, production team, and some fun and interesting perspective on how this show was made, check out the Behind the Scenes page.

Toyride on Playboy TV

If you have not seen the full episodes and want to get in on the action, call your local TV provider or create an account at today. You will also receive access to Playboy TV’s other sexy shows and exclusive content.*

*New episodes of Toyride will appear on the website on the Thursday following their initial air date.

Toyride Episodes

LeLuv logo and page link

Episode 5
Explore: LeLuv

Pipedream Logo & Page Link

Episode 10
Explore: Pipedream